mobile friendly, responsive development and conversions

websites & applications work on smart phones, tablets, android iPhone, iPad
adapt to mobile

The many and various hand held devices we use use today.

mobile friendly design
mobile friendly websites
applications on tablet
responsive applications

more information

taking the next step
Flexibility for mobile

You cannot predict where your next web visitor will be or what screen they are using, customer attraction and retention is more important than ever as there are more businesses with websites than ever before so you need to stand out in the market. That's why having a mobile friendly and responsive website is a very smart idea. Search Engines now give a higher ranking to websites that have been designed and developed to look good on mobile and tablet.

Responsive design that responds to touch and mouse click is here to stay, building one version of your website that responds depending on the screen is far more economical than developing completely different versions for the various devices.

Database programming for mobile and tablet

You may be considering a web based database application to help run your business, wouldn't it be nice to know you can take your wi-fi enabled tablet with you and perform data entry and reports as you walk around the work place or from home.

A range of exciting ideas come to mind when you think of developing a custom built database application for running your business from your tablet, be that a web browser on iPad or Samsung. This is about making one program that will respond depending on the screen.

Recently launched websites Meditation classes in Melbourne, Mill Park and Bundoora Used car sales in Wyndhamvale Area, Victoria

Introducing VIVAXINT.COM the Subscription method to launch your website fast

VIVAXINT.COM is a project where you only pay a small amount each month for your website. Pick the appropriate plan for your needs and we will get it started with a fresh home page design.

Plans start at $12 a month with the 'WebCard', no contract, cancel any time.

WebCard includes a Content Management System, Contact Form, Location Map, Home Page Design, Image Gallery, Active phone link, Your socials links like Facebook or Linkedin etc., Hosting, plus we will help launch your website on Google search with a built in SEO package.